Mwaja's Story


I was born deaf and didn’t have the opportunity to go to school. I stayed at home for many years and helped my family. However when I was 15 years old my family learnt about a carpenter course for people with disabilities, like me, and I was able to attended. They used sign language to teach us and I learnt a lot, but once the course was finished I went back home to my family. Occasionally I would pick up the odd carpentry jobs, but these did not provide me with enough money to live on and so I still relied heavily on my parents. Around this time, my dad heard about Neema Crafts and went with me (because I was a little scared!) to find out about job opportunities. I had an interview and got a job in the carpentry department. I learnt how to make the lamp bases and also I make many of the lampshades. I really enjoy my work and friends here and have no plans to leave Neema anytime soon!