Sophia Langinusi

I was born deaf and school was very difficult for me. I went to a hearing primary school and only managed to pass because my friends helped me a lot. Without them it would have been impossible! I started at secondary school, but dropped out after 2 years as I could not keep up. I went back home and didn’t know what to do, but because of family links I was able to learn how to braid hair at a salon and also learnt how to make clothes. This was a good opportunity for me and I was able to earn some money with these skills and I also taught my younger sisters!

I learnt about Neema Crafts in 2011 because my husband worked here in the café. When we got married I also managed to get a job at Neema in the tailoring department which I was very happy about! I have learnt to make many things, including clothes and several different bags. I really enjoy learning how to make new items and improving my skills. A few years ago, my husband and I were able to get our own house and we live here with our son, who attends school locally. At Neema I also had the opportunity to attend a business training course. This has inspired me and I would love to open my own shop or small hotel one day.